Friday, March 19, 2010

The beach is love

San Francisco will probably never win any Best Beach Awards. More than half the time the beach is shrouded in a thick fog known as the Marine layer. The water rarely rises above the chilly temperature of 55°F. This isn't sunny SoCal, but when the weather is nice you better believe the beach will be bumpin'. Today was no exception. Of course I missed most of the gorgeous, sunny day hidden away in my windowless office downtown; however, I managed to leave work a litte early and catch the last couple hours of sunshine.

Ocean Beach is awesome for many reasons. First, it's approximately five blocks from my house. I love living by the beach. I don't always get down there every day, but I always see it to and from my walk to Muni and I love it. I love how it shimmers in the sun and takes on the colors of the sky. Blue sky = blue ocean. Gray sky = gray ocean. I don't think I ever want to live anywhere that isn't walking distance to the beach ever again. Maybe growing up ocean deprived in a land-locked state took it's toll on me.

Second, it's a protected area for snowly plovers, pretty much the cutest bird that has ever lived. These guys are so cute and tiny, and they run so fast following the waves in and out looking for food. I love the thought that the beach is host to bunches of snowy plover families living out their cute existence in the California sunshine.

Third, there is never a shortage of crazy people hanging out here. One day Nik and I were walking along the sea wall when I guy stopped us and asked us if we had any "extra weed". "Extra weed" just seems like one of the most hilarious concepts ever to me. As if I just carry around tiny bags of excess weed to give to strangers in need.

Fourth, the graffiti. The picture below says it all.

I could go on and on about what is great about Ocean Beach; the surfers, the crazy kites, the happy dogs that love the ocean. All I really need to say is, "The beach is beautiful. The beach is amazing. I love the beach!!!"

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Jenny Mick! said...

one of my favorite memories of my trips to san francisco (I think I'm up to 4 now!) is eating the most delicious eggplant parmesan sandwich on a blanket on the beach by the golden gate (is it called golden gate beach?). It was amazing!!

Kimonade said...

It was probably the beach at Crissy Field, that place definitely has some amazing views of the bridge.